3 Months Plan
0KSh / 3 Months
with a 3 months free trial
and a KSh10,000 sign-up fee
The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.
- Amazing feature one
- Wonderful feature two
- Priceless feature three
- Splendid feature four
6 Months Plan
0KSh / 6 Months
with a 3 months free trial
and a KSh10,000 sign-up fee
The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.
Everything in the 6 Months Plan plan, plus
- Amazing feature one
- Wonderful feature two
- Priceless feature three
- Splendid feature four
- Delightful feature five
- Stunning feature five
12 Months Plan
0KSh / 1 Year
with a 3 months free trial
and a KSh10,000 sign-up fee
The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.
Everything in the 12 Months Plan plan, plus
- Amazing feature one
- Wonderful feature two
- Priceless feature three
- Splendid feature four