3 Months Plan

0KSh / 3 Months

with a 3 month free trial

and a KSh10,000 sign-up fee

The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.

6 Months Plan

0KSh / 6 Months

with a 3 month free trial

and a KSh10,000 sign-up fee

The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.

12 Months Plan

0KSh / 1 Year

with a 3 month free trial

and a KSh10,000 sign-up fee

The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.

3 Months Plan

0KSh / 3 Months

The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.

3 Months Plan

0KSh / 3 Months

The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.

3 Months Plan

0KSh / 3 Months

The description of the tier list will go here, it should be concise and impactful.

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